Galleries Adventures About us Impressum [DE]
Nature, family, encounters
these are the topics that enrich our everyday lives and always give us special moments when we travel. It simply involves the desire to capture the magic of those moments, in photos, stories or simply images that tell their own stories. Sometimes it is even possible to be a bit like a magician yourself, not only to freeze the moment with an interesting perspective, the right lens and a bit of luck, but also to enchant it with sugar icing, so to speak.
You actually imagine it like this: Early in the morning, the sun is just rising, the fog is lifting and you are moving in the middle of a fairytale forest flooded with soft light, while the birds are trilling and you are approaching the grazing deer... Great, but maybe you know that too: By the time we're all done as a family, bag and baggage are tied and everyone has found their shoes, it's almost noon again - especially on vacation and if you're not the early riser of your own free will - and gone has long been the shimmering morning light. Sure, of course you could still go on a weekend morning dawn hunt before breakfast, which even happens occasionally, especially since at least one daughter is interested in birds and photography, but a lot of the time you're like, what the heck - but laughing children's faces and a relaxed partner make up for it.
But shhh - sometimes it even works for us with the great light...

Wondering what 'my ant' means? Why is our homepage called 'my ant' even though you've hardly spotted one of these busy insects? This is a little pun on our family's first names (Merida, Yvonne - Alexander, Nora, Talida). And by the way, as biologist parents, we liked it because of the connection to the little animals. If you are interested in what our children do and what they think of our activities, then have a look here soon - the link to our adventure princesses will appear here shortly.